Hemi Pharma Test-Mix 400


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Testosterone Mix is a blend of different testosterone esters which helps you to get several benefits with intake of only one injectable steroid. It was discovered as an alternative to sustanon steroids. It got famous in athletes and bodybuilders because of the benefits it provides them in reaching their fitness goals. People tend to buy Test Mix 400 because it eliminates the need of other steroids and you can get all the benefits with one steroid only.

Chemical components of Hemi Pharma Test Mix

Test mix is composed of these three esters

  • Test Enanthate 120 mg
  • Test Cypionate 120 mg
  • Test Decanoate 160 mg

Benefits of right usage of Testosterone Mix 400

Test mix can provide you plenty of benefits if you use it according to the recommended way. Few of them are listed below:

  • It is considered as one of the most effective substances for mass gain. 
  • It helps in strengthening and building your muscles.
  • It helps in protein synthesis which strengthens the overall muscle.
  • It helps in nitrogen and water retention which gives a toned physique.
  • Increased red blood cell production helps in the better oxygenation of body which helps in performing better during high intensity workouts 
  • It increases the focus and energy level.
  • It speeds up the recovery time, quickly recover you after intense physical activity

How to maximize the results of Test Mix 400?

If you want to get a testosterone mix on sale and want to get full benefits of it. Here are a few tips that you should follow to reach your goal.

  • Take a well balanced and nutritional diet.
  • Increase your water intake
  • Have a proper rest and sleep of 7-8 hours daily
  • Follow a consistent workout routine 
  • Avoid stacking it with other drugs
  • Do not consume alcohol

Dosage Recommendation to get all the benefits

It is always recommended to stick to a recommended dosage while taking any steroid. In case you are on Test mix 400 post cycle therapy, here is some dosage recommendations you should follow

  • For men it is recommended to take 400-1200 mg per week depending on their tolerance level 
  • For women it is recommended to take low dosage of 100-250 mg per week. 
  • Length of cycle can range from 8 to 20 weeks but it is recommended to take a 12 week cycle only.
  • Do not stack Test mix and try to take it alone for better results and avoiding any side effects.

Post cycle therapy after usage of Test Mix 400

It is always recommended to take a PCT after completing one cycle of any steroid. PCT helps in cleansing your body and prevents you from the after effects of steroids. It helps your body to recover from the effects of steroids.

It helps in balancing and production of normal levels of testosterone which is suppressed during intake of steroids. After one cycle of Test mix it is recommended to take a 12 week PCT of Nolvadex with daily dosage of 40 mg in the first two weeks and then gradually start reducing it to 20 mg.

Side effects of misuse

If you are using this drug in wrong way or trying to take overdose, you might can experience following consequences

  • Back and shoulder acne
  • Face acne
  • Pain in Muscle and joint
  • Liver and kidney disorder 
  • Psychological issues like mood swings, depression and irritability 
  • High cholesterol level
  • Overdosage can also lead to excessive products of RBCs
  • Higher risk of prostate and liver cancer

Who shouldn’t use Test Mix?

These are the conditions when you are not allowed to use it:

  • In case you are undergoing any cancer treatment.
  • Suffering from kidney disorder 
  • Having heart related issues
  • Have blood pressure or consuming blood thinning compounds
  • If you are pregnant or trying to conceive 

Where to get the original Hemi Pharma Test Mix 40/?

Do you want to purchase Testosterone Mix in the UK? You can buy it from Steroids Market UK, we are one of the top sellers who are providing authentic and original products to your doorstep. We have all the variety that you are going to need. You can call us today for more information.


Hemi Pharma